BETA Only applicable to institutions using the BETA release. Note that BETA documentation may be incomplete or contain errors.
The new and updated features for the 4.47 release are as follows:
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
Clone curriculum - Validation of Target CalOcc Code
Values entered in Target Cal Occ Code field are now validated against the Reference Data > Calendar Types > Occurrences. Values that are not available can no longer be entered for existing or previous calendar occurrences, as shown in the image below.
Not applicable
Curriculum Planner
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
ENG Additional field added to Curriculum Planner
Override rate added on curriculum planner, the Override Wgt Rate calculations is used instead of default rate as shown in the image below.

Not applicable
SCO Go To options in Curriculum Planner grid and ribbon
Go To options have been added to the Curriculum Planner grid and ribbon. This enables staff to navigate to the UIO (unit instance occurrence) screen from the Curriculum Planner, as shown in the image below.
Note the following when using the Go To options:
The go to option is not available for plans with the statuses Approve, Ready for Review, and Live.
The go to option on the ribbon is available regardless of the plan status.
Not applicable
Custom Logs
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
User tables now support large text columns
When defining a User Table column, a new Data Type, NVARCHAR(MAX) has been introduced. This should be used if you wish a column to store more than 4000 characters.
Not applicable
Data Miner
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
Data Miner views can start with a comment
A minor change has been made to data miner to allow the use of the comment syntax /* */ on the first line of a view definition, previously this failed validation.
Not applicable
SCO Curriculum Planner view
A new Data Miner view, Course Targets and Credits (Scotland) is available to report on Curriculum Planner attributes and calculated values.
Not applicable
Workflow Manager
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
In workflow manager a new 'commonly used' section of activities has been added to the toolbox
In workflow manager a new Commonly Used section of activities has been added to the toolbox to make it simpler to find and use these activities.
Not applicable